Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I don't have much to report on the running front right now. I'm basically just trying to get in the habit of running on a regular basis again. In the meantime however, with the weather predicted to reach into the 70s today, it's time to start thinking about biking. Over the off-season my parents shipped me my old Schwinn 10-speed.

My best estimate is that I bought the bike brand new, during my freshman year of high school, in 1989. Although I probably rode it consistently for a couple years, for the past 2 decades it's pretty much been hanging in a garage. So now it's time to overhaul this heavy metal beast and get it on the road.

I completely pulled apart my mountain bike last summer, and barring any bent metal pieces, or major complications, this 10-speed should probably be a little more straight forward. To be on the safe side, I'm thinking it could use new gear and break cables, new tubes/tires and, for my gripping pleasure,  new handlebar wrap.

The ultimate goal here is to have a bike that is a lot easier to ride in the city than my mountain bike, and to have a bike to ride in the Chicago Tri. 1) I don't think it matters how heavy the frame is, because I'm pretty sure it has to be better than riding the fat tired mountain bike on city streets. 2) It's a heck of a lot cheaper than buying a tri-bike... besides, who can turn down nostalgia?

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