Thursday, June 10, 2010


Calories! My body is craving calories! It's like my body woke up a couple days ago, and it's starving. It seems like the swimming makes me hungrier than running ever did. Yesterday was a perfect example. The only time I wasn't hungry, was the 5 min following each meal. I woke up at 7, ate a large bowl of mini-wheats at 8. By 1030 I was starving and ate a roast beef sandwich. I pushed off eating until 3, when I ate a bowl of chicken curry soup. I finished the evening with an italian sub at 7. I came home 2 hours later and I was still hungry. How am I supposed to lose weight, if I replace all of the calories I burn?

This morning I wasn't sure what to do for food. I wanted to run before school, so I set my alarm for 6, expecting to be out the door by 615. This left me trying to decide whether or not I should eat before the run. For my long runs, I give myself extra time to factor in food and bowels. But, not this morning. I ended up going out the door without food. Needless to say, the energy wasn't there for my run and I had trouble getting through the 30 minutes. Argh!

Hopefully I'll get this eating thing figured out soon. But until then, I'd keep an eye on your small dogs.... mmmmmm.

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