Today I suggest to you
Bite off more than you can chew
Forget when anyone watches you askew
Just pursue something big, exciting and new
Thanks for this poem and picture from Get Fresh Minds
That pretty much sums up how I feel about this marathon. In fact, that could probably be the mantra for my life. Things just seem to get boring when I stick to what I know I am already capable of completing successfully. I don't KNOW if I will succeed in this marathon. I'm afraid of failing. Whereas others may be driven to succeed by the sense of accomplishment that comes with success, I am driven to succeed by a fear of failure. You may think this sounds unhealthy, but keep in mind that the fear of failure has propelled me through a life of amazing experiences and left me with a deeper knowledge of self. So once again, the fear of failure will help me succeed at the following:
- Raise $3500
- Complete the AIDS Foundation Marathon Training Program
- Greatly increase my level of physical fitness
- Improve my physique
- Complete the Maui Marathon in less than 5.5 hours
How I am doing so far:
- I've raised $35
- The training program begins April 25th
- I'm still struggling to consistently run twice a week
- I'm beginning to see the results of my weight training program
- Yesterday I pushed hard to run 2.13 miles in 30 min. If I could do this for 26.2 miles, my time would be 6 hrs 9 min.
When I got off the treadmill yesterday, I could only think of how far I have to go. I've definitely bitten off more than I can chew. But, I'll continue to nibble at the edges until I'm done, for no other reason than I am afraid to fail.
Is Mr. Frog helping you train? Best wishes!