This isn't getting easier! But I'm still going!
Saturday I ran further than I've ever run in one week, let alone a single day. We began our 14 miles around 7:30 AM as usual and finished 3.5 hours later! It was a long morning of running. The first 7 miles I was plagued with pain in my right knee, presumably because of my IT band. And the last 7 miles I was plagued with pain in my left knee, and then pretty much from the waist down, presumably because I was literally pounding the pavement for 3 and a half hours.
Unfortunately, lack of support from family and friends may end my marathon training.
I have only 10 days left to raise nearly $2,700, and I'm running out of options.
I've been pleasantly surprised by the support I've received from people I least expected to donate. At the same time, I've been disappointed by the lack of support I've received from people I really expected to donate.
Let me clarify the situation.
- I am training to run a marathon. 26.2 miles. A distance that takes most people 30-60 minutes to drive.
- Training without a team decreases my chances of successful completion 10-fold.
- If I do not raise $3,500 I will not be allowed to continue training with the AIDS Foundation Training Program.
- Funding for HIV/AIDS services are being reduced at an alarming rate as States struggle to balance their budgets this year, making donations to organizations like the AIDS Foundation more important than ever!
I've set a goal for myself. I'm training as hard as I can for my health, while raising money for the AIDS Foundation. And I'm asking for your support. If you believe in what I am doing, then please let me know by making a donation. No donation will go unnoticed, or unappreciated.
Follow this link to donate:
Don't let my hardwork and training be for naught...