Missing a group run is not something I'd like to make a habit. But Saturday, I had a few perceived obstacles. First, our run site was changed to the North side. I thought this was because Bike the Drive was that day. In turn, I told my running partner, Amanda, that Lakeshore Drive would be closed that morning for the event and it would be difficult for her to make it to the run site. So, when my alarm went off at 6 am, and I knew Amanda wasn't on her way to meet me for the run, I promptly rolled over and went back to sleep.
A short while later, I decided to check USATF and figure out what a 7 mile loop through Lincoln Park would entail. It was then that I remembered the Green City Market was open! "Maybe I won't run at all today," I thought, "Maybe I'll just walk down to the market instead!"
"But no," I thought, "I need to run at least 30/45 minutes this morning so I'm don't lose progress." And that's when the answer came to me. I would run south for 30/45 minutes and then walk the rest of the way to the Green City Market, shop a little, then walk home.
After a few relapses back into bed I finally made it out the door and began my run.
Usually, I turn around after 15 minutes to complete a 30 minute loop, but this time I kept running. Past the harbor, past the blue wave playground, under Lakeshore drive and past the driving range. There were so many people out running along the path, and I kept running past places I have been, but along a path I'd never travelled.
48 minutes later, I arrived at the Green City Market, ready for an energy boost. I was immediately energized by the people and activities going on around me... and a sample of maple syrup. Making my way through the patchouli soaked strollers, I tasted my way around the market. however, it wasn't long before I decided it was time to run home.
And I did. I couldn't hide my smile as I approached Belmont Harbor, knowing that I was close to completing a 7 mile run. Alone. Under my own power and will. An accomplishment that 2 hours earlier I didn't think was possible.
7 miles in 96 minutes, with the knowledge that I can run the Maui Marathon. What an amazing Spring day in Chicago!
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