I noticed a lot of pain in my left knee after the 17 miler. Besides running for a ridiculously long time, the only other reason seemed to be connected to my running shoes. The treads were really getting thin in areas. So I took them to the running store last week. The salesperson checked the treads to make sure they were wearing evenly, then had me try on a few other pairs to make sure I had the right shoe. In the end I bought a new pair of the same running shoes.
The new shoes are part of my recovery and preparation leading into the upcoming 20 mile run. I'll be honest, after running 17 miles I don't want to run 20 miles! Just the thought of it makes my legs ache and scream in pain. However, in order to prepare our bodies to make it 26.2 we need to get some of these longer distances in there. Ugh!
In the meantime, the last 2 weekends we only had 8 mile runs scheduled. My body feels fully rested and ready to take on 20 miles. I'm also trying to make sure that I'm eating well and drinking enough water so that my body has enough fuel to get it through the entire run. Of course I'll also need to stock up on the energy chews (Luna is my preference.) I think I'll need at least 6 or 7 packets for the 5 hour run.
5 hours! Let's pray for cool weather!
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